What the property icons mean - Accessible Housing Register


The Homeseeker Plus Partnership is supporting Housing Associations operating our area to survey their homes to determine how accessible they are. This includes information about the number of steps to access a dwelling, the type of adaptations that might already be present and whether it is suitable for a wheelchair user.

The information is used to assign a category to the home, from A, for the most accessible, to G for those not yet assessed. The name register is a little misleading as the categories are not held centrally on a list but will be held by the landlord and then the relevant category will be advertised on Homeseekers Plus when they become vacant.

The categories are determined using the system set out in the London Accessible Housing Register and enable you to make an informed choice about how well an advertised dwelling will meet your individual needs. There are a number of benefits, from improving your wellbeing, to reducing the amount of care you need and making the best use of the limited accessible housing that is available.


Fully wheelchair accessible

The home will be designed to meet wheelchair housing standards that were current in 2010 including level, wide access and circulation space internally in the living areas. May also include homes built to later wheelchair housing standard guidelines.


Partially wheelchair accessible

A wheelchair user will be able to access the main facilities but not all the bedrooms/whole property. This can be a property that has been previously extended to provide ground floor facilities with ramped access.



 Lifetimes homes

Level access at the front door, wider corridors, stairs that can accommodate a stairlift and are more spacious and adaptable. This category would suit those with a larger mobility aid and possibly part time wheelchair users who can get on and off a stairlift to access another level of the home.



 Easy access

Level access at the entrance door with many similar features as Category C internally.



Step free

No steps at the entrance door however there are no other requirements for internal spaces to be larger than usual. This category would suit those who may struggle with negotiating steps who walk with a stick or a small walking frame.



E* Minimal steps

There will be no more than 4 steps to enter the property but no other
requirements for any internal spaces to be any larger than usual. This category may be suitable for those
with limited mobility who can manage a few steps and may mobilise with a stick, for example.


General needs housing

These properties do not meet any above accessibility standards so may have more than 4 steps to enter, a steep ramp or slope, a change in floor level on one storey or poor internal access or space. Suitable for those who can manage a flight of stairs.



Not yet assessed

The accessibility category is not available because the property has not been assessed.



Further information about Accessible icons can be found here.


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